How To Survive The Age Of Trumpistan M argret Mead once said “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has,” I never imagined she meant alt-right extremists and neo-Nazis. (Nor did she I'd bet). But it worked for them. (It will work for us, again too, as it has in the past at times.) One thing has become apparent. Institutions will not save us. We can only save ourselves, and each other. I t took Putin one year to take over the Russian media. It took only four years to dismantle its electoral system. Russia's judiciary collapsed unnoticed. The capture of institutions in Turkey was carried out even faster, by a man once celebrated as the democratic leader who would lead Turkey into the EU. Poland, in less than a year, has undone a quarter century’s accomplishments in building a constitutional democracy. While the United States has much stronger institutions than Germany ...