The Many Splendored Worlds Of Hugh Everett

The Many Splendored Worlds of Hugh Everett Though celebrated now, when Hugh Everett first introduced his theory of multiple universes, he was met with scorn and mockery. Hugh Everett abandoned the world of academic physics and turned to top secret military research. His private life was tragically lamentable. Fifty years ago Hugh Everett devised the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, in which quantum effects spawn countless branches of the universe with different events occurring in each. Although this theory sounds like a bizarre hypothesis, more suited for science fiction than real science. It is in fact, inferred from the fundamental mathematics of quantum mechanics. Nevertheless, most physicists of that time dismissed it, and he had to abridge his Ph.D. thesis on the topic to make it seem less controversial. Discouraged, Everett left physics and worked on military and industrial mathematics and computing. Personally, he was emotionally withdrawn and became a he...