Capitalism Part 2 - Hiring Employees

Nothing saves you more time and effort than hiring the proper employees in the first place instead of having to continuously beat down the ones who don’t understand their place in the grand scheme of things.

Here's the situation: You need to hire a new machine operator and the choices are going to be few since the only people who fill out an application for your shitty company are either crazy or desperate for work.
Employees that couldn't get a job anywhere else are loyal and easily manipulated. Even the local Malwart store fired this guy. He'd be a great candidate!

  • Potential Employee “A” Interview
He's Some middle aged guy who's been running the same equipment used by our company for 20+ years. His previous employers have paid him the top tier for this position but ended up laying him off  after a hostile buyout, or going out of business. The guy appears smart. He Complimented me on the size of my desk pad but mumbled something that sounded like "wonder what's under there". Asked a lot of questions.
  • Potential Employee “B” Interview
30 year old crack head. The guy was chain smoking cigarettes in the parking lot for a half hour before his interview. His last job was in a similar shop, running similar equipment and he got fired after a year. He appeared to have some basic communication skills. The guy stunk up my office and I had to spray Lysol® on the chair he sat in.
  • Potential Employee “C” Interview
19 year old high school dropout. The guy wreaked of pot. But really good pot, not the cheap stuff the sales dept. procures for bosses.  He passed vocational school classes for the company's particular trade. The kid was dressed like he should be working at the local head shop. He Didn't speak coherently but he did say something about raging with the production machine. Couldn't find his way out of the office and then couldn't find his way out of the building.
Analysis: Obviously, employee A could immediately step right in and start producing. Unfortunately, that guy won't be happy with getting less money than he's worth or accustomed to... and the last thing you need is someone whose head you can't fill with shit. He'd be a troublemaker. No way he's a candidate.

The better option is to take both employees B & C.  They might both work out, and then you can get rid of some other Employee “A” type person that you already have on staff!
It doesn't really matter how smelly or annoying new employees are.
You won't have to work next to them all day long.


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