How Capitalism Works
The magic of capitalism begins with a long line of business owners dating back to the middle ages.
There is no denial that capitalism has played an important role in mankind's development.
It ended feudalism when Lords and Ladies became dependent on merchants in towns to supply them with trinkets and baubles.
Peasants, who were once a critical cog in the medieval despot's wheel of repression instead became cogs in the newly wealthy merchants wheel of repression...a vast improvement!
In today's modern business world, it's likely, that the boss (see photo above) is some complete moron who inherited a business or bought business with inheritance money. As long as the booze and hookers keep flowing, a typical clueless owner won't care how much money the company loses.
As a result, they will be completely dependent on other people to understand what’s happening on the production floor. This is where the production manager comes in. The production manager keeps the clueless owner behind their desk with tales of previous bosses being killed or maimed by imaginary hazards on the production floor so they forget about understanding production.
Capitalism works best when the owner is far far away in a big, comfy room that has its own wet bar. The production manager is the best position to have in capitalism. For every 10 production workers a company has, there needs to be at least one employee who stands around with his arms folded and watches them. This is the production manager.
This lucrative position is acquired through nepotism, extortion and/or influential friends.
A Production Manager essentially acts as the liaison between the office staff and the dregs of society known as production workers. Sales and management are able to use the production manager as the focal point of their rage, and the traditional purpose of the production manager is to transfer that abuse to the bottom of the employee food chain. A good production manager will have everyone fighting among themselves and the ill winds of capitalism seldom will pass their nostrils.
Production managers can do whatever the hell they want because everything they do they claim is "under direct order of the company’s owner – nothing personal, only doing my job". This also allows you to portray the owner as a reprehensible wretch drinking the blood of warm employees. This ensures that when an employee goes postal his bloodlust will be focused on the clueless guy in the fancy office...not the production manager...which is why it's the best position.
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The Production Manager is the best job, you point at people and watch them work. |
There's the salespeople, the bean counting monkeys, and the office whores.
The least despised of these are the office whores who are phone answering bimbos who entertain everyone at the office Christmas party.
They are the smartest of the bunch knowing that having the owner by the balls means you control the office. Office whores are a dime a dozen and they’re best rotated on a regular basis.
The Salespeople are nothing more than overpaid jackasses in suits. They don’t actually do anything except talk with salespeople from other companies. They often work on commission, so you can expect them to be hung-over for most of the month and then suddenly be concerned about getting their orders together in coherent form at the last moment. This is when production managers get lap dances during lunch breaks so these orders are not tossed onto the roof and forgotten; that’s the way capitalism works. The manager also plays salespeople against the bean counters and each other which ensures that they will not be the primary target when one of them shows up with a gun.
Last and always least, there's the actual production workers.
Also known as “peasants", "cannon fodder", or disposable jerks" - the production worker is the lowest of the low; disposable cogs in the wheel of misfortune.
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Workers are disposable peons who should be thankful the capitalists allow to exist. |
Production Managers are totally responsible for the supervision, hiring and firing of these unclean hordes of blue-collar trash that somehow make the company money. Production workers are your nameless minions whose souls must be crushed into accepting monotonous and repetitive work for a laughable pittance.
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