How Your Favorite Celebrities Celebrate The New Year

Dick Cheney - I shot some shitheads in the face.
Then I made efforts to get your healthcare taken away lol!
Which is really hilarious since you chumps paid for mine!
You bought me my 3rd heart!
Ha ha ha.

Pat Robertson - He shit his pants.

Bill Clinton - pined for the good old days

No caption required

Mitch McConnell - celebrated the destruction of democracy  

Rush Limbaugh - tried to create a human centipede with some other fascists 

Sorry Huxterboo - "I attended a KKK rally with Dad"

Tucker Carlson - "I sniffed some glue & read Mein Kampf".
Vlad Putin  - "I enjoyed using a recent purchase...ain't this capitalism stuff just grand? lol"

Scalia continued to burn in hell 

Bret Kavanaugh got drunk and raped a few teens

Laura Ingraham - Heil Heil Heiled 

Sean Hannity- "glub glub smack glub"

Ted Cruz-I ate my boogers


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