null by Ben New Check out more of my new music on bandcamp. This song (and it's longer companion on the album "Eight Ways To Sunday" focus on celebrating the sun and its connection with life. The Summer Solstice can be an influence, a strength, an energy, a source of clarity and inspiration. The Estonian myth of Dusk & Dawn: 'Koit ja Hämarik', first published in 1840. T he Old Man of the Sky has two trustworthy helpers, who have been gifted with eternal youth. It is they who are responsible for the sun each day. In the beginning, when the sun had finished its very first journey across the sky, the Old Man said to Dusk: “Into your care, my girl, I will give the setting sun. You have to douse the light every night, so it will not harm anybody on its way to slumber.”The next morning, when the sun needed to start its next journey across the vast expanse of the blue sky, The Old Man said to Dawn: “Your job, my boy, will be to relight the sun...
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