Entropy & Empire (or A House Is Not A Hole)

T here likely is an American dream, some sort of aspiration hidden in an old coffee can buried somewhere beneath the grave of Thomas Paine. But there is also an American nightmare, an empty, cold, heartless, mundane banality sucking the life force from all it encounters. America is not without virtue mind you, but its people have been, and remain dangerously hypnotized. L ong before Trumpism, and it's associated demise of decency, honesty, and intelligence in public matters turned us into a nation of cretins and morons; the decline of the empire was well under way. A fair warning dear reader, most people who write about the dystopian nature of a society will try in the end, to offer some hope of redemption. This is not what you'll find here. If you're looking for a "feel good" uplifting piece that offers some pie in the sky remedy with a happy ending, you'll not find that here. I can not honestly be optimistic in this regard. There's a f...